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Hotjar makes it easy to go beyond traditional web analytics and understand what users are really doing on your site.

April 02, 2020

New in Polls: Making a Statement πŸ’¬

From everyone here at Hotjar: we hope you’re taking care and staying safe! Our work continues on new features and product updates, and today we’re bringing you brand new β€˜Statement’ panels in Hotjar Polls.

Statements in Polls πŸ’¬

Want to give your respondent some context? Using a Statement is a great way to introduce your Polls and encourage users to fill them out.

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To give it a go just select 'Statement' as the question type when building your Poll.

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πŸ’‘You can also use Statements to provide additional information and follow-ups to questions throughout your Poll.

Making a statement: how Atlas Obscura introduces their Poll 🌍

We love hearing how many of you are getting creative with customizing Polls using Statements. One of our favorite examples comes from the travel site Atlas Obscura who are researching creating a membership.

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Nathan Igdaloff, Director of Product at Atlas Obscura, told us: β€œI'm using the Statement field type to introduce my Poll and set context for the responder. It works great for this purpose. Very simple.”


More on Statements and everything else feedback tools-related can be found in our knowledge base.

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