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Hotjar + Google Analytics

The only tool you need to give context to your Google Analytics data

Find out what's happening in Google Analytics, and understand why in Hotjar. Using both tools helps you discover and fix website issues faster, find optimization opportunities, and get stakeholders on board with compelling insights.

And the best part is that you can integrate Hotjar with Google Analytics to give you the full picture.

Hotjar + Google Analytics

The only tool you need to give context to your Google Analytics data

Find out what's happening in Google Analytics, and understand why in Hotjar. Using both tools helps you discover and fix website issues faster, find optimization opportunities, and get stakeholders on board with compelling insights.

And the best part is that you can integrate Hotjar with Google Analytics to give you the full picture.

Our customers count on Hotjar insights to improve UX and create delight

The problem is that Google Analytics on its own isn’t enough. It tells me that 100 people have visited a page, whereas Hotjar shows how one specific person engages on a specific part of the page—that’s invaluable!
Gavin Bell, Founder @ Yatter
Increased conversions by 42%
"After reviewing Google Analytics data, installing Hotjar is one of the first steps we take in every client engagement. It’s the window we use to understand the customer journey."
Maggie Paveza, CRO Strategist @ The Good
Used Hotjar to help their client increase conversions by 132%
We have around 17,000 shops hosted on our site, if you consider the free users, and that’s a lot of data. With that in mind, we set out to study the pages with a similar layout and flow, such as the checkout page. Hotjar helped us gain insight into how people use our features and where we can improve them for our clients. That means conversion improvements… and happier customers!
Gregor Doornbosch, UX Designer @ CCV
Increased conversion rate on their website by 38%
"Very often, Hotjar shows us things that the numbers themselves [from Google Analytics] can’t tell us. For example, if we watch a Session Recording and see that people are stuck somewhere and they’re hovering their mouse, we know something could be wrong and we can take a closer look."
Saurabh Soni, Product Designer @ Razorpay
Used Hotjar to improve their business product suite
“One day we noticed a huge drop in conversions from our signup page. Using Recordings, we discovered that the autocomplete feature was broken, so we fixed it and conversions went back up immediately.”
Juan Fernandez, Head of Product @ Audiense
Used Hotjar to fix a drop in conversions

How Hotjar helps you convert more

Get an overview of where people click, tap, scroll, and move. Spot misplaced CTAs and confusing content.

Get started with Hotjar

It only takes a few minutes to get started. Understand how visitors behave on your site or product today.

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Trusted by 1,306,323 websites in 180+ countries