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Use Hotjar and Segment  to learn more about your users

Hotjar's Segment integration enables you to send User Attributes information over Hotjar’s Identify API using the Segment Identify Spec.

No credit card required


Use Hotjar and Segment  to learn more about your users

Hotjar's Segment integration enables you to send User Attributes information over Hotjar’s Identify API using the Segment Identify Spec.

Trusted by 1,262,773 websites in 180+ countries

No credit card required

56,549 users signed up last month

GDPR- & CCPA-ready

How Hotjar works

Understand how users really experience your site.

Segment 🤝 Hotjar

Streamline your operations and build a user-centric product. Try Hotjar with Segment today!

No credit card required