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7 reasons your website users are frustrated (and how to fix them)

High bounce rates, low conversions, and shopping cart abandonment are just some of the recurring concerns every online business faces. The problem is, you can only fix something when you know what's wrong.

Understanding what frustrates your users requires a deep knowledge of their behavior and customer journey. Making assumptions about frustrated users' habits and behaviors can lead to misguided fixes that drain resources without resolving the core issues. 

So: why are your users frustrated? And what can you do to clear their path to conversion?

Common on-site causes of user frustration 

We’ve identified the root causes of user frustration resulting in some of the concerns we mentioned above. Is your website guilty of any of them?

  • 💬 Unmet user needs and unaddressed feedback—like disregarding reviews, survey responses, and customer support calls—can result in a disconnect between what your users want and what you deliver

  • 🐌 Extended loading time and slow page speed increases the likelihood of users abandoning your site in favor of faster alternatives

  • 🗺 Poor navigation and visual hierarchy test users' patience. The positioning and organization of elements like buttons, menus, and text must be intuitive and user-friendly, seamlessly guiding visitors to accomplish their desired tasks.

  • 📱With people accessing websites on smartphones, tablets, and laptops, responsive design is crucial. A design that doesn’t adapt to different screens leads to a subpar user experience.

  • 🛒 Complex checkout processes discourage users from finalizing their purchases, resulting in lost sales and decreased customer loyalty

  • 🔗 Misleading links and buttons are frustrating when users expect one thing and get something else. All clickable elements should guide users to the destinations they expect.

  • 🐞 Software bugs, such as website defects, significantly impact the customer experience by introducing unexpected errors, freezing, or malfunctioning

Find out what frustrates your website visitors

Use Hotjar to gain a better understanding of what bothers your website visitors and create better websites, products, and experiences.

7 annoying events to shield your site against

Now that we’ve looked at the reasons for user frustration, here are some specific events that cause it (you’ll probably recognize most of them!)

How to identify and reduce user frustration

If you want to understand specific pain points, it’s crucial to collect user feedback and proactively search for areas of frustration as soon as they crop up. A behavior analytics platform like Hotjar lets you do both. For example, you can

5 reasons finding (and fixing) frustrating website elements is crucial

Still not sure if proactively searching for website problems is worth it? Here are five major benefits of giving your users the experience they desire. 

  1. Enhancing the user experience: identifying and addressing user frustrations greatly improves website usability. This, in turn, leads to increased website traffic and longer visitor engagement.

  2. Increasing sales or sign-ups: potential customers who encounter frustration during the purchasing or sign-up process may abandon the task altogether. Resolving these issues drives an increase in conversions.

  3. Improving reviews and ratings: an unfavorable user experience results in negative reviews or lower ratings, discouraging new customers. By listening to your existing customers and making changes on their terms, you increase the likelihood of positive reviews.

  4. Grow user trust: a seamless and delightful website experience fosters trust among visitors, increasing the likelihood of word-of-mouth recommendations and a strong community.

Reducing support costs: a disorganized layout or too many website bugs increases the workload for your customer service and software support teams. Mitigating user frustration doesn’t just please users—it also lowers expenses.

Boost user experience and squash frustration with Hotjar

Get deep insights into how users interact with your site, highlighting potential areas of frustration—then fix them!