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Use Hotjar and Slack to improve team communication and spot issues fast

Hotjar's Slack integration allows you to receive and share insights from Feedback, Session Recordings, and Surveys right in your team’s Slack workspace—no developers or coding required.

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#Hotjar integrations make it easy to keep all your teams in the loop in real time


Use Hotjar and Slack to improve team communication and spot issues fast

Hotjar's Slack integration allows you to receive and share insights from Feedback, Session Recordings, and Surveys right in your team’s Slack workspace—no developers or coding required.

Trusted by 1,262,773 websites in 180+ countries

No credit card required

56,549 users signed up last month

GDPR- & CCPA-ready

“Using Hotjar filters, I was able to hone in on every recording of users who fail to onboard and use the automated integration to send them straight to Slack. That way, as soon as something goes wrong, I’m able to see the issue in Slack and coordinate with the team.”
John Gilmore
Sales Operations Manager

How Hotjar works

Understand how users really experience your site.

Slack 🤝 Hotjar

Improve communication with your team and share product experience insights more easily than ever before.

No credit card required