Find out what people actually do on your website
Make improvements that will increase conversions by seeing where people click, don’t click, or even rage click on your site.
No credit card required
Find out what people actually do on your website
Make improvements that will increase conversions by seeing where people click, don’t click, or even rage click on your site.
No credit card required
5,750 product managers discover insights in Hotjar every week
Contentsquare is designed for any team that cares about digital journeys
and provides insights that can transform your customer experience and your business.
Increase engagement across your digital assets.
Funnel Analysis
Session Replay
Impact Quantification
Hitting targets with Hotjar
Increase conversion
Andrew increased conversions on his site by 3x with insights from heatmaps and recordings.
"With Hotjar... our conversion rate went from 0.5% to 1.6% for visitors making a payment in just one month."
Hitting targets with Hotjar
Spot and fix bugs
Luke spends just eight minutes a day watching Recordings and fixes one bug a week.
"I open up Recordings to watch people using the new feature. Immediately I'll spot things I wasn't expecting."
Hitting targets with Hotjar
Validate ideas
Brett doesn’t rely on gut instinct. He analyzes behavior from 7 million users to validate his ideas.
"Hotjar helps us understand our customers, their engagement, and their journey."
Seamlessly integrates with most popular platforms
Hotjar gives you the confidence you need to build quality products for your users
Use real data to create successful products
No credit card required
No credit card required
56,549 users signed up last month
GDPR- & CCPA-ready