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How to use AI to augment your UX design and maintain the human touch

Artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly transformed our lives, from how we work to our daily interactions. So Hotjar invited Ioana Teleanu, a distinguished UX design expert, to speak at an insightful and exciting webinar, where she dived into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence and its implications for UX design, elucidating the challenges, opportunities, and best practices.

Last updated

15 Jun 2023

Reading time

3 min


Garnering a remarkable audience, with over 5,000 registrants and 1,500 attendees, the webinar emphasized the need for ethics in AI and explored its potential.

Touching on AI’s ability to augment human capabilities, Ioana highlighted that AI is designed to complement our work, not replace it. Although it offers immense benefits, AI is currently limited in its capacity to comprehend context and identify problems—a gap where the role of designers is critical.

Challenges and opportunities: designing for and with AI

Ioana's presentation further shed light on the obstacles and prospects of designing for and with AI. Machine learning models are prone to bias, and there are substantial safety and security considerations to tackle. As we design for probability rather than certainty, trust and transparency become integral to success.

Nonetheless, AI presents abundant opportunities—it provides a personalized, context-based user interface (UI) and facilitates efficiency gains in testing. By focusing on creative and skilled work, UX designers can leverage AI and keep ahead of the curve in an evolving market.

3 best practices for an AI-powered UX design

Designing with AI isn't as daunting as it may seem. Ioana shared a couple of best practices to smoothen this transition:

  1. Establish trust: trust is a fundamental element when introducing AI-based solutions. You need to ensure you’re building reliable systems that users can confidently interact with.

  2. Start with the user: understand your users’ goals and tailor your UX and UI design to suit their needs. AI should facilitate user experiences, not complicate them.

  3. Embrace the AI revolution: keep abreast with AI advancements and continuously develop your skills to stay relevant in the market.

Ethics and AI development

Another critical aspect Ioana highlighted is the need for designers to prioritize ethical considerations in AI development. Designers must ensure AI-powered UX solutions are fair, inclusive, and respectful to all user segments.

A good understanding of AI's societal impact will help guide your design process and foster solutions that are not only innovative but also considerate of their implications.

Key takeaways: exciting times ahead!

As we move forward, the blend of AI and UX design offers exciting possibilities. By striking a balance between automation and creativity, and keeping the user at the center of all decisions, businesses can leverage AI's transformative potential. Encouraging further conversations on AI is critical as we navigate this new landscape.

Here are key takeaways from the session:

  • AI has the potential to augment our capabilities but is currently limited in understanding context and identifying problems

  • Designing for and with AI presents unique challenges, including bias and safety and security concerns, but also offers opportunities like personalization and efficiency

  • Best practices when designing with AI include establishing trust, starting with the user, and focusing on creative and skilled work

  • Ethical considerations need to be at the forefront of AI development to ensure fair, inclusive, and respectful AI-powered UX solutions

If you missed this intriguing live session, worry not! You can catch the full recording below.

About the guest speaker

Ioana Teleanu is a seasoned Design Educator who has established a community of over 250,000 UX enthusiasts through her social channel UX Goodies. She’s worked with renowned companies such as UiPath and ING Bank and provided consulting and design services for several early-stage start-ups. Ioana’s also created educational initiatives, such as the Honest UX Talks podcast and a UX Design course on Domestika.

Ioana is currently working on an exciting AI product at UiPath while simultaneously creating content on her social channels, with a focus on topics like the future of UX design, design careers, AI, and more.