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How Netguru saw a 50% decrease of their bounce rate within only a few months of using Hotjar

Netguru builds digital products that let people do things differently. Since 2008, they have changed the way people do banking, listen to music, learn languages, insure houses and rent bikes.

TechnologyHow to improve customer experienceUX designer

Last updated

4 Jun 2024

Reading time

3 min

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In a few months of using Hotjar and resolving the issues highlighted by the tool, Netguru managed to (all % changes YoY):

  • decrease the bounce rate on their website by 50.45%,

  • drive up the “

    ” page traffic by 30.93%,

  • drive up the “

    ” page traffic by 58.76%,

  • increase the number of users going further in the services by 17%.

Netguru is an international company which provides consulting services in software development and product design. Founded in 2008, Netguru has been recognized multiple times in Deloitte’s and Financial Times rankings as one of the fastest-growing companies in Europe. Products that Netguru has created for its clients have been featured in TechCrunch, Business Insider, and Product Hunt.

Having redesigned the website in 2016, Netguru started using Hotjar as a tool to further optimize it.

For Netguru, Hotjar is one of the must-have tools for any digital marketing team, as well as one of the most valuable tools for UX research and user testing in today's world. I love how we can track the entire user journey within the website. It helps a lot in finding navigation patterns and investigating what users are looking for. It’s an incredible source of knowledge in terms of designing particular sub-pages and gives us tonnes of insights without complex field studies or user interviews.
Piotr Śliwa
Senior UX designer at Netguru


As a software & design agency focused on the global market, Netguru has been steadily growing their website traffic. The marketing team managed to increase organic traffic on Netguru's site threefold in one year. As new users were coming, the need for a better understanding of why people are visiting Netguru’s website became immediate.

Previously, the company used to welcome their site’s visitors - potential clients or potential employees - with exactly the same content. To boost their business metrics, the Netguru team knew they needed to get better at guessing the reasons why users landed on

But how? Hotjar helped with answers.

Netguru decided to distill a few patterns, and decided to focus on two key segments:

  • traffic from abroad - they assumed that this is mainly traffic coming from companies considering hiring a partner for software (e.g Python development) and design services)

  • domestic traffic - they assumed it to be highly concentrated on the career page created for potential employees.

To validate and test that hypothesis, they set up their Funnels in Hotjar and started gathering data.

Analysing the data and finding the patterns were the most time-consuming parts of the research process previously until they set up their Funnels in Hotjar. Moreover, thanks to Session Recordings and analysis of the gathered data, they managed to resolve several issues highlighted by Hotjar and introduce new changes on their website that helped them:

  • decrease the bounce rate -50.45% YoY;

  • grow the traffic to the services site by 30.93%;

  • and increase the number of users going further in their services marketing funnel by 17%.

Moreover, due to specific changes implemented on the Career page, the number of visits grew 58.76% YoY, and the total number of applicants radically improved. 

One of the biggest advantages of Hotjar is that it’s very user-friendly and the Hotjar team has done a great job with their onboarding. The tool does not immediately flood you with dozens of options, but gradually introduces more advanced features while the user is setting up their first Heatmap and Reports. It makes onboarding easier, and employees do not need hand-holding, as they can figure it all out by themselves, instead of relying on support from one know-all tool expert in the company. Ease of use saves a lot of time!
Patryk Kalinowski
Demand Generation Team Leader at Netguru

Who uses Hotjar in Netguru:

Hotjar is used by two different teams at Netguru:

  • internally, by the growth team (Patryk Kalinowski is the man) - they’re doing their best to improve their users’ experience on the Netguru website;

  • externally, by the UX team (Piotr Śliwa is responsible for research processes) - they’re working on client projects to conduct research and test the implemented solutions on their client's side.

Both teams are continually joining forces to get a better understanding of the processes and to learn from each other. As an outcome, Hotjar is helping Netguru:

  • find new patterns to investigate and measure in the discovery process;

  • improve the implementation process.

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