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7 stats that prove user-centric websites win in 2024 (with tips on how to improve UX)

Is your website user experience holding you back? Don’t rely on guesswork and gut feeling alone: use data to elevate your UX and enhance your bottom line.

Last updated

4 Apr 2024

Reading time

6 min


Even the most passionate UX professional needs hard proof to sway stakeholders and prioritize improvements. Don't worry; we've got your back. We recently conducted research into the online user experience, and the results are clear: user-centric websites reign supreme in 2024.


Here are seven key stats to weave a delightful user experience:

  1. Snap decision: 64% of your audience decide in mere seconds if you have the info they need

  2. Three-click threshold: potential customers expect to find pricing details in just three clicks

  3. 6 UX annoyances: slow webpage loads, missing contact info, and other seemingly minor issues derail the customer journey

  4. Second chances: personalized products and content entice some users to overlook usability issues

  5. Mobile must-have: a whopping 99% of users deem a responsive, mobile-friendly website essential 

  6. Feedback loop: consumers want to provide feedback for the products and services they use 

  7. Final destination: those who shop around visit two to four sites before buying

1. Nearly two-thirds of users know instantly if your site has the answer

Today's users know what they want and how to say no without hesitation. Our data shows that 64% of your audience can determine your site's value in a few seconds. Whether it's an answer, solution, or information, you should deliver it fast to keep visitors within your website premises.

2. Potential buyers expect to find pricing details within 3 clicks

Users with purchase intent are much harder to please. If they can’t find price specifics within an average of three clicks, they’re gone (and you’ll be ghosted).

🎯 How to go from “Thank you, next” to “Thank you—until next time!”: an effective UX caters to this growing segment of fast-paced users with high expectations. For instance, allow them instant access by prominently displaying pricing plans on your homepage. Have your UX design team include clear descriptions, comparison charts, and expandable sections and tooltips to satisfy the three-click limit.

💡 Pro tip: if you use Hotjar, you can develop simple routines for monitoring the behavior of fast-paced users. For example, discover exactly why they bounce—i.e. leave after viewing only one page on your site—in a few steps:

  1. Identify exit pages with the highest bounce rates on your web traffic analytics tool like Google Analytics

  2. Create heatmaps of the top five exit pages, inspecting clicks, moves, scrolls, and rage-clicks (repeat clicks show areas or elements where users encounter friction); overlay engagement zones on your page heatmaps to see what users pay attention to or ignore

  3. Spot deviations like buried parts or elements at the bottom of the page that still get clicks

  4. Cross-reference your Heatmaps findings with Recordings by viewing recorded videos of the sessions that include the unusual clicks

  5. Analyze user behavior and adapt accordingly, e.g. strategically placing the link that garners significant interest near the top of the page and tracking user interaction metrics

Segment and monitor single-pageview visitors: go to Recordings, apply the filter combo ‘Exit page and Viewed page → your page URL’ and ‘Clicked element → the corresponding button or link text’, and then save the segment

3. Users specify 6 website annoyances that quickly drive them away

Users hate stumbling upon website roadblocks. But what exactly ticks them off and hinders customer satisfaction? Our data reveals that it’s often the little things affecting site functionality: 

  • No search bar (47%)

  • Confusing navigation (35%)

  • Missing contact info (33%)

And yet, these seemingly small issues have a big impact on usability—and your bottom line. Consider how many website visitors skip buying from you because of

  • Slow page speed: 70% of users bounce from slow websites

  • Complex menus: 76% abandon sites if they have to click through multiple layers of submenus

  • Unclear product descriptions: 83% drop sites that fail to provide straightforward information

🎯 How to craft a seamless experience that leads to conversion: an effortless UX prioritizes user insights. Conduct user research like usability testing to learn what people need, want, and struggle with when using your site or prototype. Apply the insights to make a more intuitive and user-friendly website, increasing customer satisfaction, engagement, and conversion.

Instantly spot and fix usability issues with Hotjar Heatmaps, Recordings, and other tools and features to deliver a smooth website UX.

4. Gen Z consumers make exceptions, trading minor hurdles for tailored features and exclusive promos

Here’s a piece of good news: not everyone’s quick to ghost! Some consumers, especially savvy Gen Z, let usability issues slide if they get something valuable in return, such as 

  • Personalized goodies: about one-third (36%) are more inclined to stick around for tailored products or content—with Gen Z users 21% more likely than Gen X to do so. Think progress bars for each group under your tiered loyalty program or customizable user dashboards.

  • Smart pop-ups: nearly two-thirds (61%) of those who dislike intrusive pop-ups (74%) are more forgiving if these messages provide practical information or exclusive discounts. Consider the clicks you’ll gain from a pop-up offering a free shipping discount instead of an unrelated product ad. 

5. Virtually all users agree on the importance of a mobile-friendly website

But there’s one thing they won’t budge on:

  • Responsive design: a whopping 99% insist on a smooth experience across devices and platforms. No one wants to navigate a clunky website on their phone!

🎯 How to weave an irresistible website experience: an engaging UX attracts and retains customers through personalization. Carefully test different pop-up strategies and track performance metrics like bounce rate and conversion rate (quantitative). Gather user feedback via surveys, feedback forms, and user interviews (qualitative). Combine the quant and qual data to refine your web design, creating a delightful experience that keeps customers coming back.

💡 Pro tip: conduct mobile user tests using Hotjar Engage to understand what users go through when viewing your site’s mobile version. Engage is a user interview tool that automates the entire process, from recruiting and screening the right people to recording and transcribing your interview sessions. 

A screenshot of a video call done via Engage

6. About 3 out of 4 consumers want their voices heard through online reviews

Almost three-quarters of consumers (71%) actively shape brands through online reviews, with Gen Z leading the charge. They don’t just buy—they want their voices heard. In fact, 64% crave regular opportunities to provide feedback. So, why should you care about reviews on your website?

  • Trust: 93% of consumers trust brands with genuine reviews, making them crucial for building credibility and attracting valuable customers

  • Informed decisions: an impressive 96% read good and bad reviews before buying, directly affecting your traffic and conversions (positive reviews convert users, while constructive feedback becomes a roadmap for improvement)

🎯 How to turn user feedback into action: an exceptional UX results from actively collecting and implementing feedback. Offer multiple ways to leave reviews like custom pop-ups, targeted surveys, and embedded feedback tools and forms. Analyze the insights to prioritize improvements and iterate your website based on customer needs.

💡 Pro tip: go beyond reviews with targeted surveys to unearth specific pain points. Use Hotjar Surveys to send out a targeted UX survey, such as an exit-intent survey embedded on your top five exit pages or a product feedback survey launched on specific product pages. Build on a template or generate a quick one with the help of our AI-powered assistant.

7. Most people visit multiple websites before making a purchase decision

Out of those who typically shop around before buying, 80% admit to bouncing between two to four sites on average. You want to be their final destination, not just another stop along the way.

That’s where conversion rate optimization (CRO) comes in. It’s the practice of increasing the percentage of site users who perform a desired action, such as purchasing or adding a review. CRO effectively combines user behavior insights and optimization strategies to help you tackle what drives users away. Use it to

  • Reduce decision paralysis, a very real phenomenon affecting nine out of 10 consumers, by presenting clear information in the fewest possible clicks

  • Nudge users toward their ‘sweet spot’ with personalized experiences and seamless paths to purchase

  • Build trust and loyalty by fixing issues quickly and incorporating the voice of the customer in iterations

🎯 How to ensure user-centric optimization: an efficient user experience relies on sustainable practices like combining CRO and UX. For instance, while CRO often falls under search engine optimization (SEO) and digital marketing teams, it can be used by your team when optimizing the checkout page based on conversion-driven ecommerce web design.

Begin by gathering user feedback and building hypotheses based on the insights. Then, optimize the site, validate the change through A/B testing, get more feedback, and implement final improvements.

Transform your website into a digital rabbit hole that captivates and converts

With a deeper understanding of user perspectives and experiences, you can deliver a user-centric website UX. Picture this: easy-to-find pricing info, seamless navigation, swift load time, and an intuitive layout that helps users find what they need and achieve what they came for ASAP.

Now hold onto that image and make it happen! Harness the power of data—unleash hidden insights using Hotjar and enhance your website UX today.

Use Hotjar to unlock UX-boosting insights

Get first-hand accounts of what users seek and expect from your website. Apply your findings to create a fantastic user experience that attracts growth.