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6 leading customer feedback trends to follow in 2024

Collecting customer feedback is like tapping into a gold mine of valuable information. But, like any miner, you need a variety of tools and techniques to hit gold. 

That’s why it’s important to stay on top of the latest tips, tools, and trends for collecting customer feedback—although it can be hard to know which ones are most relevant to your business. 

Last updated

26 Jan 2024

Reading time

7 min


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This is your guide to the leading customer feedback trends of 2024: use it to inform how you collect customer feedback and spot any gaps in your customer feedback strategy. We explore each trend and discuss why it’s worth implementing, so you’ll know exactly which trends bring the most value to your business and customers.

Want to get the most out of your customer feedback?

Hotjar’s tools let you observe and ask about the customer experience, so you can improve it.

Customer feedback gives you invaluable customer insights, including their wants, needs, and pain points. And the way you collect feedback determines the quality of your insights and how they help you identify issues to improve the product and user experience (UX).

Staying on top of emerging customer feedback trends helps you inspire customers to provide more relevant feedback at crucial touchpoints, diversify your feedback channels—and improve user engagement

💡Remember: customer feedback trends come and go, so it’s important to understand your customers and identify which feedback trends and methods work best for them. Think about your company's goals and who your target users are—which feedback trends are they most likely to respond to? Answering these questions ensures that you're focusing on the right trends and not wasting time on ones that don't fit your business type and customer profile.

Use the trends below to help you build your customer feedback strategy and meet customers at critical moments throughout their journey. Apply the trends that make the most sense to your business and customer needs, so you can drive customer-backed improvements and success. 

1. Personalize feedback collecting

Did you know that 67% of customers consider leaving a review for a positive experience, while only 40% think about leaving one for a negative experience? That's why you need to create a personalized experience when asking your customers for feedback.

Without healthy criticism or fresh customer complaints, you could miss key insights into the product and customer experience (CX). For example, after a new product feature rollout, you can ask users questions about their experience—based on their role, industry, or project. Gathering this segmented feedback lets you pinpoint where to make product improvements for customers with different needs.

Apply this trend to your business if you want to increase the amount of feedback you receive, and get the specific feedback you need to drive user-backed decisions and product changes. Here’s how: 

🔥Remember: if you want honest responses from your customers, ask probing or open-ended questions rather than baiting them with questions designed to make their answers sound positive. 

  • Use customizable feedback forms and widgets: personalize your fields and questions based on the type of feedback you’re looking to collect, and from whom. Ask users to rate their product experience and provide a reason for their score, so you get qualitative and quantitative feedback on how your product helps solve their needs, or what needs improvement.

#Hotjar makes it easy to personalize your feedback widgets and forms.
Source: Hotjar
Hotjar makes it easy to personalize your feedback widgets and forms. Source: Hotjar

Pro tip: to gain your customers' trust, demonstrate your commitment to keeping their personal information safe by being open about your security practices and implementing robust safeguards. Use privacy-first tools like Hotjar to make data privacy a priority throughout personalization. 

2. Use face-to-face video feedback  

Speaking to your customers face-to-face helps you engage with them in a more personalized, direct way—while giving you valuable insights into your product or service. Today, customers often experience email fatigue due to the number of companies fighting for visibility in their inboxes—so this trend is all about creatively engaging users in an effort to retain them

Instead of sending customers another CSAT survey via email, try asking them about their experience over video chat to boost brand loyalty, and spark interest and customer delight

Ask users to submit videos based on your questions, or collect product feedback via an in-app recording tool or from a dedicated landing page. Giving users a medium they can use to express their opinions in their own words increases your chance of truly hearing and understanding your customers—and meeting their needs. 

For example, after reviewing video feedback from a random pool of users, your SaaS business might better understand how your product makes people feel by analyzing body language, facial expressions, and cadence. That way, you can improve the user experience by tapping into customer thoughts and feelings, rather than just looking at the functionality of your product

Apply this trend to your customer feedback strategy if you’re looking to boost the quality of your qualitative insights without sending out more emails or surveys.

Pro tip: use customer feedback tools like Capsule to collect video feedback on key web pages like checkout, home, product, and landing, so you’re not bombarding your customers with static feedback requests—but still generating crucial user activity and insights.

Capsule lets you collect video feedback on a range of topics and products. Source: Capsule

3. Embrace automation

The popularity of communicating with customers through various channels, including live chat, chatbots, social media, and customer service, has created a trend for using automation and artificial intelligence (AI) to help businesses collect and analyze customer feedback.

Automating outreach on different channels helps you capture feedback at critical customer journey touchpoints—like when they land on or leave your website, complete your onboarding process, or speak with a customer service representative. 

Use a timed survey or trigger a feedback pop-up or email after a specific user action to get direct insight into the customer experience at micro-moments throughout their journey—so you can make granular adjustments that smooth out anything that might be causing frustration. 

For example, you might trigger an unobtrusive feedback widget to ask customers on your ecommerce site about their checkout experience. After analyzing user feedback, you might realize customers find the checkout process too long and you need to take steps to shorten it. 

Consider applying this trend to your business if you’re confident in your ability to strike a balance between automation and humanity. While automation helps you communicate with users and capture their micro-experiences, it shouldn’t fully replace human interaction and support.

Pro tip: automatically send new incoming feedback and survey responses to your team by integrating Hotjar with Slack. Or, integrate Hotjar with Zapier to populate your most-used applications with feedback and survey insights—and quickly spot trends and collectively chart and prioritize user feedback.

Hotjar’s Slack integration gives your team important user feedback updates in real-time. Source: Hotjar

4. Get teams together to observe user feedback 

Cross-functional collaboration is easier than ever thanks to technology that lets teams share, access, and collaborate on user insights and feedback. It’s an important trend that helps better align business and team goals around real user experiences. 

To act on this trend (since we don’t see any downsides), host a Watch Party, where testers, designers, product teams, marketers, and sales teams get together and observe how users interact with your website or product. Here's how:

Watch Hotjar Recordings of user sessions that are centered on a topic or goal of your choosing—like recordings of users who gave you positive and negative feedback—so you and your team can spark new ideas for improvement, empathize with your customers, and make sure you’re all on the same page.

Pro tip: filter your Hotjar Recordings by 'user attributes' or 'events' for even deeper insights into user behavior. For example, segmenting recordings by users who tested out a new feature of your SaaS product in the last 30 days helps you better understand your product adoption rate and how to improve it.

Hotjar Recordings give your team a unified view of the user experience. Source: Hotjar

5. Leverage social media and review feedback 

Your customers ultimately know more about your product than you do. And now more than ever, customers take their feedback directly to social platforms—before you get to hear it. So, turning to social media and review sites for unsolicited customer feedback gives you insight into popular sentiments, concerns, and conversations about your product and user experience. It also helps you better understand and prioritize your product backlog and UX design improvements.

Apply this trend to your business if you’re looking for unfiltered user feedback and insights into user communities and types—and see how users respond to your product across channels. Here’s how: 

  • Refer to popular review sites like Capterra, G2, TrustRadius, and Trust Pilot for detailed product reviews and comparisons

  • Use social listening and sentiment analysis tools, like Brandwatch, to track mentions of your brand or product across social channels and observe any patterns in user sentiment or opinion. For example, tracking mentions of your new product on social media helps you better understand how to position and talk about it on key conversion pages and CTAs—and improve the customer’s ability to use and relate to your product. 

6. Use feedback for self-service opportunities

Creating self-service support methods as an alternative to traditional customer support is becoming an increasingly popular way of making the most of your customer feedback.

Each time a customer interacts with your business—whether to issue a support ticket, submit their CSAT survey, or issue a complaint—you get insights you can repurpose to help other customers with the same problem. 

Use customer feedback to inform your self-service resources, so you can create a positive feedback loop and improve CX by building on previous experiences. For example, after receiving a common complaint on how to integrate your software with Google Analytics, you might include this step in your SaaS product’s onboarding process to make sure users complete this crucial step and adopt your product. 

Self-service resources to optimize based on user feedback include:  

  • FAQ pages 

  • Knowledge bases 

  • Learning centers 

  • Product tutorials 

  • Product guides 

Apply this trend to your business if you notice an uptick in customer service tickets or requests, or have a complex product with multiple use cases. 

Collecting and listening to customer feedback gives you direct insight into what your users want and need—and the ability to adapt your products, services, and policies to better meet customer demands.

As trends come and go, use this guide to help you pick the right customer feedback trends for your business and user needs—and delight and retain more customers by implementing their product suggestions and improvements.

Want to get the most out of your customer feedback?

Hotjar’s tools let you observe and ask about the customer experience, so you can improve it.

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