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How Turum-burum used Hotjar to increase an ecommerce client’s conversion rate by 55%

UX and CRO agency Turum-burum used Hotjar Heatmaps, Recordings, and Surveys to improve online shoe retailer Intertop’s conversion rates, average revenue per user (ARPU), and bounce rates.

AgencyHow to improve conversionUX designer

Last updated

17 May 2024

Reading time

2 min


Woman holding a fashion magazine

🏆 55% increase in conversions (and more)

Turum-burum’s partnership with Hotjar yielded the following results for its client, the Ukrainian online shoe retailer Intertop:

  • 55% increase in conversions 

  • 11.5% increase in average revenue per user

  • 13.4% decrease in checkout page bounce rate

🛠 Tools

✏️ Tactics

Hotjar Recordings: for playbacks of actions taken by individual users navigating a website or product

Filtering session recordings to find areas of friction and frustration on Intertop’s website

Hotjar Heatmaps: for an aggregate visualization of user behavior on key pages

Viewing heatmaps of Intertop’s product listing pages to see where users click, move, and scroll

Hotjar Surveys: for easy on-site and external surveys, enabling businesses to hear from customers directly

Setting up an exit-intent survey to understand why users abandon Intertop’s checkout page

Google Analytics: for collecting, analyzing, and reporting on website traffic data

Analyzing Google Analytics data to form experiment hypotheses backed by numbers

A/B testing tools: for testing ideas and validating hypotheses

Conducting regular experiments to roll out successful variations

Over the course of our year-long work with Intertop, Hotjar helped us identify hundreds of interface pain points, bottlenecks, and hidden sources of tremendous potential gains to improve user experience and drive business outcomes.

Dmytro Kukuruza
CEO, Turum-burum

Problems identified

  1. Almost half of all prospective customers abandoned Intertop’s checkout process

  2. The site’s product filtering functionality was riddled with usability issues and technical bugs

  3. Users didn’t scroll far enough down product pages, missing the primary call-to-action (CTA) button

Solutions implemented

1. Launching a full checkout page redesign

Turum-burum used Hotjar Surveys to conduct an exit-intent survey on Intertop’s checkout page. Survey results revealed that 48.6% of respondents couldn’t place their order—a long, cumbersome process hindered the user journey.

#Exit survey results showing that 48% of survey respondents were unable to place an order
Exit survey results showing that 48% of survey respondents were unable to place an order

Get the same exit-intent survey template Turum-burum used to decrease abandoned checkouts.

Further investigation revealed that most users dropped off at the registration phase. So,

Turum-burum focused on reducing bottlenecks in the conversion funnel step from ‘checkout’ to ‘order placed.’ 

Using Hotjar’s heatmaps and session recordings to see how users interacted with different versions, the team A/B tested three changes: 

  • A ‘Place order’ page redesign

  • Reduced checkout fields

  • An autofill function

Once the winning variations were implemented, these changes resulted in an 11.5% increase in ARPU and a 13.4% decrease in bounce rate.

2. Implementing clear product categories and improved filtering

With additional user feedback via Hotjar Surveys indicating issues with Intertop’s buyer experience, Turum-burum again turned to Heatmaps and Recordings for more context. 

Data revealed that when users filtered Intertop’s shoe catalog for a specific size, the website also surfaced results for shoes one size higher and one lower—a poor ecommerce UX that either forced users to browse through a massive number of pages to find what they needed or prompted them to make a beeline for their previous page and u-turn away.

#A Hotjar click map showed that Intertop customers clicked ‘show all’ while browsing products

Analyzing Hotjar’s move maps, the Turum-burum team found that many users interacted with the ‘show all’ button because they lacked the necessary filters to find what they were looking for

As part of its conversion rate optimization (CRO) efforts, Turum-burum identified and prioritized clear product categories with active filtering functionality, an essential user behavior standard for online retailers.

The new product list display makes it significantly easier for users to filter their search and find exactly what they’re looking for. Coupled with the optimizations outlined in solution 3 below, this change resulted in significantly improved conversions—keep reading for the final results. 👀

3. Redesigning product listing pages for easy navigation

Through analyzing heatmaps, Turum-burum realized that Intertop’s main CTA button, ‘Buy now,’ was hidden below the average fold for most users, meaning several people missed it entirely. Users also frequently clicked on images to view more product details, but these elements were unclickable—a missed opportunity for Intertop to give prospects what they needed.

So, the team released a new product page with a clean, minimal design and simplified navigation.

#Intertop’s new and improved product page, courtesy of Turum-burum and Hotjar
Intertop’s new and improved product page, courtesy of Turum-burum and Hotjar

Along with the new product categories and filters introduced in solution 2 above, these changes yielded a 31% conversion rate increase from product page to cart and a 36.6% conversion rate increase from cart to checkout page.

Hotjar helps us map our client’s customer journey from a user’s perspective. We’re much more efficient in delivering value because of it.

Denis Studennikov
Head of UX/UI, Turum-burum

Improve your ecommerce conversions with user-led insights

Turum-burum used Hotjar Heatmaps, Recordings, and Surveys to optimize its client’s website for significant results. Discover more incredible tools and features when you sign up for a free Hotjar account.