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Content feedback survey

Does your messaging resonate? Find ways to improve your content with this survey

Content testingProduct feedbackProduct research

Last updated

20 Jul 2023

Reading time

5 min


Get started with this template today.

How long have you spent writing content for your website? 

Hours? Days? Months? However long, it’s almost certainly not as much time as you’ve spent collecting feedback on that content. Which poses a problem. 

How do you know if your content is resonating? 

That’s where the content feedback survey template comes in. The pre-built set of questions will help you understand exactly what visitors think of your content. The content feedback survey requires no setup, just create your account, and send out the link to get started.

With this survey, you'll learn:

  1. If your website content is relevant to your visitors

  2. Whether your content is seen as high or low quality

  3. Why visitors read content on your website

  4. And what your target audience would like to see on your site

Make it your own:

  • Tweak each question in the template or add your own

  • Change the color scheme

  • Remove Hotjar branding (with Scale and Business plans)

  • Pick between full screen, pop-up or external link Surveys

Why should you use a content feedback survey?

As a type of user and customer feedback survey, content feedback surveys can help you improve key quantitative and qualitative metrics. In particular, they can help you:

  • Improve the user experience: information collection is an essential part of the customer journey. Ensuring that users find the relevant info on your site contributes to improving their customer experience

  • Improve customer satisfaction: similarly, what better way to fulfill users’ expectations than to ask them what they like or what’s missing on your site? Make improvements based on respondents’ feedback to improve satisfaction and customer delight.

  • Increase conversions: collect customer feedback on areas of improvement—and double down on what users like—to increase conversions

Increase retention and loyalty: by making changes to your site and product/service’s content based on user feedback, you show how much you value customer insights. By putting your customers first, you are more likely to develop customer loyalty.

Create content that catches the eye

It can be really difficult to figure out if the content on your site is resonating with users.

All you have at your disposal is data—numbers showing how many users clicked, or how long they spent on the page. But that’s only showing you what visitors did, not how they felt. The content feedback survey template can help here. 

For example, Masterclass uses a content feedback survey on their homepage to ask people for content recommendations. They ask: “Help us choose our next class!”

This content marketing initiative not only helps them with product development (they’re creating new products based on user feedback) but more importantly, helps them prioritize what to feature on the homepage in the future.

Trustpilot asks its homepage visitors a simple question: "Do you trust the information on [the website]?”

This product feedback question helps the team at Trustpilot understand if their content looks reliable or not. It can help them learn if additional information is needed, or if perception is changing over time.

While Dave, the conversion manager at TomTom, uses content feedback surveys to ask how satisfied visitors are on the site. He uses this information to make more compelling copy for his landing pages. 

“The information gathered from Surveys helped us make substantial changes that resulted in a +491% increase in email CTR and a +49% conversion rate increase for our landing pages.”

To replicate what Masterclass, Trustpilot and TomTom learned, you can use this content feedback survey template. It comes packed with all the questions you need. What’s more, the template is fully customizable, meaning you can change the question order, add your own questions, and tweak the design.

4 questions you’ll be able to answer

1. Is your content relevant to visitors? 

Often, building a site is done in a bubble. You and your team come up with the copy, you build the design, then you release it to the world. When working that way it’s easy to end up with content that simply isn’t relevant to visitors. Perhaps your homepage focused too much on privacy features that visitors don’t care about, or perhaps you didn’t include enough information on delivery fees. Whatever it is, the content feedback survey template will help you figure out what’s needed. 

2. Why do visitors read content on your site? 

It’s great if you’ve managed to get visitors to read content on your site. But do you know why? Figuring this out can help you better prioritize what to build next. Maybe it’s the videos you’ve created or the podcast you host—the content feedback survey asks visitors directly why they read content on your site. 

3. What do visitors want? 

Deciding what to add next to your site shouldn’t be based on gut instinct. Instead, you should make sure that visitor feedback is used to prioritize your roadmap. With the content feedback survey template, you’ll learn exactly what visitors need, be it a different type of content, new features, more (or less) information, or a different way to present this content.

4. Is your content high or low quality? 

Website visitors spend a lot of time on different sites. They’ve probably spent time looking at your direct competitors. So, they’ll be well placed to let you know if your site is above or below average. With this content feedback survey template, you’ll be able to quickly gauge how you’re performing and discover how perception changes over time.

Set up the content feedback survey in seconds

Getting started with the content feedback survey is fast and easy. Start by clicking the ‘Get started with this template’ link at the top of the page. 

Once you’ve pressed that you’ll be asked to create an account and verify your email. 

After you’re verified, you’ll be taken straight to the survey template which will be ready for you to send out to customers to start collecting insights. 

However, you’ll also have the option to install the Hotjar tracking code on your site. This tracking code will allow you to host the survey live on your site rather than via an external URL. This might be useful if you want to show the content feedback survey to users on a certain page. It’ll also mean you’ll be able to access all four of the Hotjar features.

Don’t worry, installing the tracking code won’t slow your website down. And it doesn’t cost you anything (our free plans are free forever). To set up your full Hotjar account and install the tracking code, follow these steps, or simply use the Hotjar and Google Tag Manager integration.


Get started with this template today.